We are excited to announce the launch of our very own HPP Training Certified Instructor Program.
This program is designed to educate Instructor Candidates about what it takes to become a qualified NV CFP Instructor and how to safely develop students in their defense plan at a high level through the HPP Training Program.
Our program goes way beyond the NRA Certifications. Through the HPP Certified Instructor Program, Instructor Candidates will take a series of additional defense courses to get a deeper understanding of defensive shooting concepts and range exercises.
Instructors will also be required to complete the vetting process to include completing several team teaching classes taught through our program until a HPP Senior Training Instructor signs off as an Active HPP Training Certified Instructor. As an Active HPP Certified Instructor, you will receive an updated PowerPoint for the NV CFP and Certificate.
Maggie has been an NRA Training Counselor since 2014 and is well versed in the NRA Instructor Development. In this program, the Instructor Candidate will learn the science of teaching others.
The NRA Courses are the basics, they are a great place to start your training and teach backs. Here are the NRA classes needed to qualify for the NV CFP.

**Must have BIT (Basic Instructor Training) before attending an Instructor course -Basic Instructor Training (Every 2 years) (*) Marks Courses with an Instructor Rating that have prerequisites.
-NRA Basic Pistol BP (REQUIRED) (100 rounds)
*NRA Pistol Instructor BPI (REQUIRED) (100 rounds)
-NRA RSO Range Safety Officer Course (REQUIRED)
*NRA Chief Range Safety Officer (REQUIRED)
-NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home Course
(Must have BP) (REQUIRED) (200 rounds)
*NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home Instructor
(Must have BPI) (REQUIRED) (200 rounds)
-NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Course
(REQUIRED) (300 rounds)
*NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor Course
(Must have PPITH Instructor) (REQUIRED) (300 rounds)
Total of 8 NRA Required Courses
(Round Count 1200)
Complete this series of NRA Courses and you will exceed the requirements to for the Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit Instructor and will be able to submit your credentials to the Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association.
Instructor Candidates who wish to continue on their own path and create their own business entity may stop at this level.
For anyone looking to be a part of the HPP Training Cadre, the Instructor Journey continues with further Instructor Development and Continuing Education. Be a part of an Elite Team and rise to your highest potential.
There’s no need to figure it out on your own when you are part of the HPP Training Team.
Continue your Education with the complete HPP Training Certified Instructor Program. Here are additional courses that are required.

-USCCA DSF Level 1
(I.C.E. TRAINING – FOHD can be a replacement for this course)
(REQUIRED) (300 rounds)
-USCCA DSF Level 2
(I.C.E. TRAINING – FOCC can be a replacement for this course)
(REQUIRED) (400 rounds)
Total for 2 USCCA Required Courses
(Round Count 700)
The USCCA Instructor Courses will be REQUIRED but are only offered by USCCA. HPP Training will be hosting those courses. The tuition is paid to USCCA and is NOT a part of the HPP Training Certified Instructor Package Tuition.
-*HPP Instructor Training Course
-HPP Basic Introduction to Defensive Handgun
(REQUIRED) (150 rounds)
-*HPP Instructor Introduction to Defensive Handgun
(REQUIRED) (100 rounds)
– HPP Introduction to Defensive Carbine
(REQUIRED) (200 rounds carbine)
-*HPP Instructor Introduction to Defensive Carbine
(REQUIRED) (100 rounds carbine)
Total for 5 HPP Required Courses
(Round Count 250 Handgun / 300 Carbine)
These are INSTRUCTOR LEVEL COURSES that certify the HPP Certified Instructor and give the Instructor the potential to generate a substantial income from these certifications.
None of these courses include ammunition, range fees or Certification fees.
Total round count for the required courses are
(2,150 rounds of Handgun ammunition / 300 rounds of Carbine ammunition).
The Required Courses are to be scheduled directly with Ken Ortega or Maggie Mordaunt. These courses will be on our training calendar as needed and apply to Group Courses not Private Courses. A Numbered Certificate will be created for each candidate and will be required at the beginning of each course so the course can be checked, tracked and dated.
There are additional courses that are recommended for a deeper understanding of the HPP Program that will be sent separately and not included in a package as required courses. Consider adding the HPP Training Certified Instructor Supplemental Package.
All comfort and gear are the responsibility of the Student/Instructor candidate. Bring good defensive firearms with holsters, extra magazines and come prepared to put in the work.
Our goal is to help Instructor Candidates reach their highest potential through the HPP Training Certified Instructor Program Our goal is also to help set the high standard of the HPP Name and set up the Instructor for success.
We are committed to developing Certified Instructors that can deliver our training doctrine and explain concepts at a deeper level and safely guide students through range exercises.
Our mission is simple. HPP Training is dedicated to delivering the highest quality service and training opportunities to anyone willing to put in the work to learn to become a better, more responsible and safer self protector.
HPP Training has a comprehensive and dynamic program powered by some of the BEST education available.
Our hope is that our students and Instructor Candidates get the confidence they need with some of the BEST training available.
Knowledge is achieved through the understanding of the information we teach. Helping students and Instructor Candidates feel they can do better than just perform a task, but explain it also.
We educate people of all ages, from all aspects of life from Law Enforcement, Military, Armed Professionals and Civilians.
It is our Honor to work with you and have you as part of the HPP Training Cadre.
To get a deeper understanding of our program, consider taking the HPP TRAINING CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR SUPPLEMENTAL PACKAGE.
Click the link to see the list of additional courses that are available and highly Recommended, but not Required to achieve the HPP Training Certified Instructor Rating. These courses are NOT included in the package pricing and will be available for the Instructor to take when they are available.
NOTE that the USCCA Instructor Courses are offered through the USCCA and will be run for our HPP Instructors OR will be available in another location.
These courses will further the knowledge of the Instructor and will give a deeper understanding of defense concepts and/or additional certifications.
Total Tuition for all of these 15 courses is $3,500
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