The Introduction To Walking course was designed to educate you on the fundamental survival concepts and the basic combat skills of the ancient art of Kuntao for self defense, to develop a mindset of safety, and to promote your general well being.
This course offers skills for those interested in knowing how to protect and defend “INSIDE” the Two-Arms Length.
Here are the course details.
Course Intro
Safety, Comfort, Competency
Pairing Students
Effective VS Efficient
Slow but Smooth
Strike Reactions
Range Finding
Application of Power
Keep Moving
Training Rules
Medical Brief
Making A Fist
Controlled Contact
Move, Block, Strike As One Action
Cooperative Workout
Clean Up
In Indonesia in particular, every Chinese community had some form of kuntao, but were traditionally shrouded in secrecy. As recently as the 1970s, kuntao was often practiced secretly to avoid its techniques from being revealed to outsiders, both Chinese and non-Chinese. It was not openly displayed, and public demonstrations would hide the true forms.
Both northern and southern Chinese martial arts are represented in kuntao, but the majority of systems originate from the same southern states as the Southeast Asian Chinese communities who practice them. The most common reading of kuntao is “way of the fist”, from kun 拳 meaning fist and tao 道 meaning way. In Fujian and other southern areas, this term was originally used for Chinese martial arts in general and was synonymous with quanfa (拳法, Pe̍h-ōe-jī: kûn-hoat). The word is recorded in Classical Malay and Indonesian, making it the oldest known term for Chinese martial arts in those languages, before the modern adoption of the term kungfu.
Attire: bare foot or wrestling shoes (other martial art style footwear upon approval), baggy/loose fitting light shirt short or long sleeve, baggy/loose fitting sweatpants, clothes that could be damaged without significant loss and/or a change of clothes. Drinks to keep hydrated. Notebook and pencil. Bathroom/changing facilities available but no showers
Runtime should be around 4 hours but can go either way depending on the students.
HPP Training has put together a series of Kuntao courses based on the idea of increasing the ‘ease of use’ of learning a martial art. The first rule is ‘move, block, and strike at the same time’ and so the first lesson, modeled after E.T.P., is: Move, Block, Strike which expands from there to eventually become the free form exercise.
This course is led by Sifu Charles Juriaan. Sifu Juriaan is bringing the full depth and breadth of his experience and ability from nearly sixty (60) years of dedicated combat art skill development to share with Homeland Personal Protection.
If you have any questions regarding this training you may contact Sifu Charles Juriaan at 702-218-3910 OR Charles Smith at 321-274-5687.
The Balance of the Tuition of $100 is to be paid to the Instructor at the beginning of your course.
Course Location:
Dr. John Nowins Office
3380 S. Eastern Ave
Las Vegas NV 89169